Johan Torgeby Employed in 2009; SEB's President and CEO since 2017; Born 1974 . Education: B.Sc. (Econ). Background Portfolio Manager & Macro Economist, Robur Asset Management (Swedbank), Head of Nordic & Dutch Corporate Debt Capital Markets & Risk Management and Executive Director, Financial Sponsors Group Private Equity at Morgan Stanley in London, Head of Client Coverage, Merchant Banking.


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Executive Vice President, Legal Affairs, General Counsel & Secretary. Born: 1968 . Executive Executive Vice President Supply Chain Management. Born 1970.

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Other assignments: Board member of SAMS (Swedish Association for  12 May 2016 Responsibility and structure. The executive management committee consists of the CEO; the Chief Investment Officer (CIO); the CFO/CRO, who is  Previously Secretary General of the Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund and CEO and board assignments in Pernod Ricard Sweden. Holds 2,613 B shares.

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Lundbeck's Executive Management team consists of eight members, headed by Deborah Dunsire, President & CEO. Deborah Dunsire. President & CEO.

Born 1967. Read more Previous management positions within Ericsson include Head of Ericsson’s Global Customer Unit Vodafone (2013-2016) and various executive positions in North America, Asia and Europe. Previous external roles include positions in Arthur D. Little and Mediatude Ltd. Management and Economies, within the Division of Entrepreneurship and Strategy. The thesis was initiated as a project from the commissioning body, HH&P Executive Search, and developed together with the institution of Industrial Engineering and Management. The thesis also serves as the final part of a Bachelor’s Degree. Executive All organizations, whether for profit or nonprofit, have a set of executives who are there to implement the policies and programs, which have been approved by the top management.